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Frequently Asked Therabreath Questions

Frequently Asked Therabreath Questions

Why Use TheraBreath How TheraBreath Works Directions of Use TheraBreath Products
Post Nasal Drip Tonsils and Bad Breath Therabreath FAQ Bad Breath Products
  1. I have tonsil stones and read about how to get rid of them on your website. My question is how many times must I use AktivOxygen tablets and nasal sinus drops to effectively eliminate the stones?


  2. I'm looking for a product that removes all of the white stuff that collects on my tongue and especially at the back of the tongue?


1. I have tonsil stones and read about how to get rid of them on your website. My question is how many times must I use AktivOxygen tablets and nasal sinus drops to effectively eliminate the stones?

Well, really it depends on the individual and how severe the problem is.

Usually though 2-4 weeks. In the beginning you may notice an increase in tonsil stones and you begin to flush them out of your sinuses, and it will also be more effective if you are not using a toothpaste that contains sodium lauryl sulfate. The trick is to make sure the AktivOxigen Solution and NS Drops stay in contact with your 'problem area' (sinuses and tonsils) as long as possible, so tilt your head back and allow the AO solution to run over your throat and tonsils while you rinse.

2. Hi, I'm looking for a product that removes all of the white stuff that collects on my tongue and especially at the back of the tongue?

Most tongue scrapers don’t work that well. I use the tongue Squigi which does the best job at removing debris from the tongue - See Tongue Cleaners and Squigis.

With regards to the white stuff left on the tongue, this could be either genetically due to an excess of filiform papillae of the tongue or due to an increase in sulphur production produced by bacteria which colonize the tongue. I find that the daily use of the tongue Squigi after brushing helps to reduce the surface whiteness. A white/yellowish tongue means that is not oxygenated as well as it could be. Tongue scraping alone may help, but it won't necessarily be as efficient as is could be because the bacteria that create those sulfur compounds live under the surface of your tongue, so they are not removed by just scraping the surface of the tongue.

Therabreath recommend a that in addition to just tongue cleaning, you coat the surface of your tongue with an oxygenating toothpaste. Scrape first, then coat with a non-SLS, oxygenating toothpaste such as Therabreath toothpaste and allow it to sit on the surface of your tongue, as far back as possible without gagging, while you brush normally. If you do this once/day for a couple weeks you should notice a significant difference.

To my knowledge, there isn't any 'magical' rinse or treatment that will get rid of white tongue instantly.

Why Use TheraBreath How TheraBreath Works Directions of Use TheraBreath Products
Post Nasal Drip Tonsils and Bad Breath Therabreath FAQ Bad Breath Products