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Dr. Ken's Maximum Care Toothpaste

January 30, 2013

Dr. Ken's Maximum Care Toothpaste

Recently, my mouth broke out in cold sores and my lips were inflamed from toothpastes that included sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS).  I quickly realized that my mouth is sensitive to SLS and I've chosen to stay away from dental products containing SLS.  I've been interested in natural products lately and see that they have all the health benefits as the leading brand toothpastes.  These natural products use ingredients that I am familiar with and use natural blends that safely and gently clean my teeth and gums.  No more outbreaks for me, I have chosen a more natural product lifestyle! dr-kens-maximum-care-toothpaste   Dr. Ken's Maximum Care Toothpaste uses healthy alternatives to harsh chemical and artificial flavors.  Dr. Ken's Toothpaste does not contain Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), alcohol, gluten, and sugar. I can actually recognize some of the unique ingredients such as green tea extract, seaweed, aloe vera, and citric acid.  All these flavors come together in a gel like toothpaste.  I was a little apprehensive at first when I saw the gel toothpaste but then I cleaned my teeth gently and calmly.  The toothpaste foamed a little and the taste was not too bad.  The taste was spearmint and it was very soothing to my gums and lips, Dr. Kens did an excellent job.  There was no harshness or stinging sensations that other big brand toothpastes have.  Definitely a nice alternative to the harsh realities of toothpaste! Dr. Ken's toothpaste promotes healthy teeth, whitening, fresh breath, and anti-tartar! Everything that I usually look for in a toothpaste. However, a few hours later, my breath was not as fresh as it could have been and my teeth almost didn't feel fully clean.  It could have been my toothbrush but it just felt different compared to my previous toothpastes.  I would use Dr. Ken's toothpaste when my gums and teeth are acting sensitive but not sure if I would continue to use this toothpaste on a daily basis.  I must have fresh breath everyday and I need a thorough cleaning twice a day. Rating: 3 stars out of 5 Today’s toothpastes can be a little harsh on teeth and gums. If you are looking for a healthier alternative, try the Dr. Ken’s All Natural Maximum Care Toothpaste. All ingredients were carefully selected to provide users with the best aromatic plants. No harsh chemicals or additives were used in the toothpaste. Green tea extract helps protect your teeth and gums while soothe any damaged tissue. This powerful ingredient also kills bad breath and germs that cause tooth decay and gum disease. Unlike most common toothpastes found at stores, the Dr. Ken’s Maximum Care Toothpaste does not contain Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), alcohol, gluten, and sugar. In place of sugar, they use stevia which is a natural plant sweetner. It also brightens your smile with papain, a papaya plant that naturally whitens teeth. Dr. Ken’s dental products are made from unique, patented formulas that pack all the oral care benefits you need into one simple product. The maximum care you need, the natural ingredients you want.