Dr. Collins Natural Toothpaste
March 28, 2011
Dr. Collins Natural Toothpaste
I went to the
Natural Products Expo earlier this month at the Anaheim Convention Center and was surprised to see all the cool natural products that were being produced. I’ve never bought any natural products and I do not shop at Trader Joe’s or Whole Foods. I always hear about the health benefits and reasons why I should convert but sometimes the expensive costs are a little daunting. The Natural Products Expo was great because I could sample products and test them out before I decided to shell out the money. One of the products I tried was
Dr. Collins Natural Toothpaste just to see the differences between natural and regular toothpastes.

Dr. Collins Natural Toothpaste definitely had a different taste and feeling than any other toothpaste I’ve ever tried. Initially it was kind of a shock to taste the different toothpaste but it was a nice sweet taste, kind of like yogurt. Which sounds strange but it was good after you got used to the initial flavor. Now comes the best part, after I rinsed, the minty freshness was powerful and my breath felt fresh for a long time afterwards. My teeth felt squeaky clean as if I had just left the hygienist at the dental office. No gross slimy film like other toothpaste leaves on the inner side of your cheeks and no sharp alcohol taste like other toothpastes. I truly understood the meaning of natural after using Dr. Collins Natural Toothpaste. This toothpaste also encourages whitening and I could immediately see the results the next day after 2 brushings with this toothpaste. After using this product, the first thing I thought after brushing was that I wish
Dr. Collins made a mouth wash to use after brushing. My mouth was minty fresh after brushing but I always like to follow up with a quick mouth rinse. I would be very interested if there was a fresh and minty natural mouth wash. I highly recommend this product if you enjoy natural products and even if you are an avid Colgate Crest user like I was.
Rating: 4 stars out of 5
Dr.Collins Natural Toothpaste is the latest development in natural oral care. Featuring the finer ingredients found in nature, Dr.Collins Natural Toothpaste includes Superfruits, Antioxidants, and Vitamins to support optimal oral health. Dr.Collins Natural Toothpaste also contains Tea Tree Oil and Magnolia Bark, natural antiseptics that fight bacteria and freshen breath. The 25% concentration of
Xylitol in our formula also helps reduce the development of cavities and with 1/3rd fewer calories than sugar, is a great alternative for people with diabetes. Dr.Collins Natural Toothpaste also contains Silica to gently polish and naturally whiten your teeth without harsh bleaching agents. No Preservatives, No Artifical Ingredients, No Fluoride, No Sodium Lauryl Sulfate.