Toothache and Sensitive Teeth Questions

7. My teeth are sensitive when I drink something cold or sweet?
The most common cause of tooth sensitivity is the existence of a cavity or recession of the gum line, which may be associated with abrasion or ditching of the tooth in this area.
This would usually be associated with sensitivity to temperature on the outside area of the tooth near the gum line and is bothersome during brushing. If the sensitivity involves an area or side of your mouth this could be also due to clenching and/or grinding. Brushing too aggressively has also been linked to recession and toothbrush abrasion.
If the tooth sensitivity feels like its coming from inside the tooth, you may have a cavity. recommends you see a dentist for treatment.
8. My tooth has been sensitive to temperature for a while and it now aches spontaneously and even woke me up last night?
When a cavity (decay) is not treated early on, the decay process extends to involve the nerve of the tooth. This becomes inflammed and in most situations will require root canal treatment. Do not /pages/ place aspirin adjacent to the tooth, as it will cause severe tissue burn. Take pain medication orally and place an ice pack over the area until you get to a dentist.
9. My jaw feels tight and sore when I wake up in the morning?
This is usually due to clenching and grinding your teeth at night. This may be associated with headache and neck stiffness. These are symptoms of what is known as TMJ dysfunction. Treatment may include wearing a night guard or in some instances adjusting the way your teeth meet. This clenching can also cause generalized non-specific tooth sensitivity. See a dentist.
10. I Knocked out a tooth?
If your child has knocked a tooth out, rinse the tooth under water (do not use any cleaning agents) to remove any debris and place it back into the tooth socket. Time is critical for success especially the first 20 minutes. If you are not able to replant the tooth place it in a glass of milk and get to the dentist immediately.
Prevent loosing a Tooth from High Risk Sports - Save A Tooth.
11. My gums bleed sometimes?
When gums bleed this means that you have gingivitis (gum inflammation). This is usually associated with the presence of plaque and calculus (tartar) which maybe aggravated by existing dental work. In most instances a professional dental cleaning followed up by effective homecare and flossing will resolve it. If it were associated with defective dentistry, this would need to be replaced. In some instances this gingivitis maybe a warning sign of gum disease. If you are pregnant, hormonal changes make the gums very sensitive to irritation causing swelling and bleeding. Diligent hygiene with regular professional cleanings will help reduce the inflammation. See a dentist.
12. I chipped a front tooth?
If you have the broken fragment the dentist may be able to reattach the broken segment with bonding techniques. Other treatment options include composite bonding and sometimes a veneer or crown (cap) if most of the tooth is missing. See a dentist.
13. My cap is loose or has fallen off?
Do not attempt to glue it back. When a cap (crown) becomes loose, it may indicate an underlying problem such as secondary decay (cavity) under the crown.
14. My teeth are not temperature sensitive but when I bite down on something I get a sharp shock-like pain?
This is usually indicative of a crack within the tooth. It is important to see a dentist as untreated the tooth will eventually fracture and if the fracture is too extensive the tooth may require extraction. See a dentist.